How Long Do Braces Take?

How Long Do Braces Take?

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Braces are the most common orthodontic treatment. They are effective at straightening teeth and aligning bite patterns for even the most severe orthodontic cases. If you’re considering braces for yourself or your child, you may be wondering how long braces treatment takes. Here’s what you can expect. 

What Are Braces?

Braces are made of metal or ceramic. They consist of brackets, small square-shaped pieces that attach the front side of each tooth, and an archwire connecting all of the brackets in a row. The archwire exerts force on the brackets to push and pull the teeth in different directions to achieve proper alignment of the teeth and bite. Other methods are used along with braces to shift the teeth, such as elastics (rubber bands) and chains. 

Average Length of Braces Treatment 

The average length of braces treatment for most patients is 18 - 24 months. However, it may range anywhere from 1-3 years depending on a variety of factors. Length of treatment is different for each individual and may change over time. 

Factors That Affect the Length of Braces Treatment 

The following factors will impact the length of braces treatment for an individual: 

  • Severity of the case. The extent of the movements required to properly align the teeth and bite will affect the length of treatment. The further the teeth are out of alignment, the longer it will take to get them into alignment. Minor cases may only take one year, and moderate to severe cases may take 2 years. 
  • Compliance with treatment instructions. Braces treatment comes with instructions. Wearing rubber bands according to instructions can keep your treatment on track. Avoiding foods that can damage your braces will prevent delays in treatment. 
  • Age. Braces can work more effectively for children and adolescents because the jaw is still growing. Growth spurts can accelerate braces treatment, allowing the teeth to be moved and the jaws to be manipulated more easily. Adult treatment may take longer as growth can no longer can no longer help treatment.
  • Prior orthodontic treatment. If a child had early orthodontic treatment, the duration of their comprehensive or full braces treatment may be shorter. Adults who had orthodontic treatment when they were younger may need fewer corrections now. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces

Do braces take longer than Invisalign to straighten teeth?

On average, braces treatment is longer than Invisalign treatment. This is partly due to the method of shifting the teeth that each type of treatment uses. It is also due to the fact that patients who are eligible for Invisalign have mild or moderate cases, whereas braces are necessary for more severe cases. 

Do clear braces take longer than metal braces?

Clear brackets are similar to metal braces but they are made of ceramic that blends in with the color of your teeth for a more subtle appearance. Length of treatment with clear braces is comparable to the length of treatment with metal braces as they work the same way. 

Schedule an Orthodontic Evaluation Today

If your child is at least 7 years old, they are due for an orthodontic evaluation. Most children will not need treatment until later, but if there is a need for early treatment, it can guide growth and reduce the need and length of future treatment. The Brace Place Orthodontics is excited to meet new patients and facilitate healthy smiles. 

Why See a Board Certified Orthodontist? 

Dr. Goldknopf at The Brace Place Orthodontics is a board certified orthodontist. He has earned this recognition through a rigorous certification and examination process that only 1 in 3 orthodontists has achieved. This means Dr. G can provide an advanced level of care that is effective and achieves the necessary results, often in a shorter period of time.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.